Life on the Frontier
Online Scavenger Hunt
1.  Farm Work
Click here to visit a site that describes the farm chores pioneer children helped with.  Scroll through this whole page.  Find 3 things pioneer children helped with on the farm, and list them on your paper.  When you have finished, hit the BACK button to return to this page.

2.  Frontier Schools
Click here to visit a site that explains what school life was like for pioneer children.  Find 2 things that are similar to your own school life, and 2 things that are different.  Record them on your paper.  When you have finished, hit the BACK button to return to this page.

3.  Frontier Fun
Click here and here to learn about how pioneer children had fun!  After reading through this site, answer these questions on your paper.  Name 3 toys a pioneer child may have had.  What 3 toys that you have now would you take with you to show to pioneer children if you could go back in time?  Why?  When you have finished, hit the BACK button to return to this page.

4.  Health
Click here to get some information on pioneer cures and medicine.  While you read, list two medicines you would be willing to try, and two that you would not!  When you have finished, hit the BACK button to return to this page.
5.  Work on the Frontier
Click here to find out about household chores pioneer children were expected to do.  (This site should be familiar!)  List any chores that pioneer children did, that you are also responsible for - or could possibly be responsible for - at your house.  When you have finished, hit the BACK button to return to this page.

Then visit this site:
Story of a Community (*Scroll down to “In Your Opinion”)
If YOU were a pioneer child, list the chores from the table that YOU may have been responsible for doing.  When you have finished, hit the BACK button to return to this page.

Want to learn more? 
Click here to go to a class site on pioneer life.  When you arrive at this site, choose a topic and click on it to find out even more interesting facts!

Click here to see pictures of covered wagons and homes on the frontier.
Take this test and learn more the life of a pioneer girl.  At the end of the quiz, choose to learn about another pioneer boy or girl’s life in the 1800s.


2/13/03©Teacher Updated 09/7/04
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