



1.  Research the events that took place by participating in class discussions, group activities, and completing journal activities throughout the unit.
2.  As a class create a chart to be displayed in the classroom of possible symbol ideas for the magazine cover.
3.  Based on what you have learned, it is now time for you to decide what three symbols you plan to include on your proposed cover.  Look back over the journal entries you have made throughout this unit.  You wrote about symbols that could represent different events.  Decide what three symbols you think best represents the expedition. 
4.  Participate in a mini-lesson on persuasive arguments. 
5.   Discussion teams of 4 will be formed by the teacher.  Each student will share their symbol choices and why.  This is your time to persuade the other students why your ideas best represent the expedition.  Use your journal writings and class handouts to support your beliefs.
6.  Finalize your choices on the symbol page.  This may be different after sitting in on the discussion team.  Have your ideas approved by the teacher before moving to the next step. 
7.  Participate in a mini-lesson on how to use MS PowerPoint to create a slideshow.
8.  Create a slideshow explaining why the symbols of your choice are the best to represent the Lewis and Clark Expedition.  Use your completed symbol page to assist you.  These slideshows will be evaluated by classmates and the teacher using a scoring guide.
9.  Create your proposed magazine cover page including your three symbols.  See cover scoring guide for requirements.

      Last Updated on 8/06/03

Based on a template from The WebQuest Page

Stacey Pippin
Willard R2 School District
409A Farmer Road
Willard MO 65781
(417)742-2597 x 133

4/25/03©Teacher Updated 8/06/03 
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